Journal Watch - Modality

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  • Transplant Survival Better After PD Than Standard In-center HD

    Is there an advantage to PD over standard in-center HD for transplant graft survival? YES, suggests a 15-year retrospective study of 2,277 transplant recipients. Those who did PD prior to transplant were 34.5% more likely to survive, and had less frequent rejection. Living donor kidneys did best among patients who received transplants before starting dialysis—or did PD.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-11-16)

    Tags: Kidney Transplant, Modality, PD, HD, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis

  • Challenges in Assessing Survival of In-center vs. Home HD

    It’s treatment time that matters, not location—of course—suggests a new thorough review of the survival data. And, while it is challenging to prove a survival benefit when all home HD is so often conflated (short daily vs. nocturnal, for example), quality of life is demonstrably better—and matters more to patients.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-08-14)

    Tags: Treatment Time, Survival Data, Modality, Quality Of Life

  • KDIGO Controversies: Dialysis Start and Modality Choice

    A January 2018 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference addressed significant variations between countries in dialysis start, patient preparation, and modality mix. Happily, attendees supported individualized care that incorporates patient goals and preferences (within quality and safety parameters), and the need to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-05-15)

    Tags: Modality, Individualized Care, Patient Goals, Patient Preferences

  • Clues to Home HD Retention

    Why do people drop out of home HD? A new interview study of 15 current and 10 former patients sheds some light. The study identified five themes, each with a positive and a negative aspect: degree of independence, support, technical aspects, home environment, and attitudes and expectations.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-03-12)

    Tags: HHD, Modality, Discontinuation