Journal Watch - Polycystic Kidney Disease

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  • In-center Nocturnal HD: Fewer Complications than PD in Patients with PKD

    An analysis that matched PDK patients who did conventional HD (26) or PD (26) to in-center nocturnal HD (NHD; 13) found no significant difference in mortality—but after a median follow up of 5.5 years, NHD had significantly fewer complications than PD—and higher serum albumin levels as well.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2019-12-10)

    Tags: Polycystic Kidney Disease, Conventional Dialysis, In center Nocturnal HD, Nocturnal Hemodialysis, Mortality

  • Metaanalysis of PD for Kidney Failure due to PKD

    Polycystic kidneys may displace room for PD fluid, so can PD be a viable treatment option? A metaanalysis of 12 studies and more than 17,000 patients found…maybe. PD outcomes were about the same for those with PKD as with other primary kidney diseases, and some can do PD. More research is needed to determine who is suitable. Read the abstract.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-10-12)

    Tags: Dialysis Adequacy, PD associated Complications, Peritoneal Dialysis, Polycystic Kidney Disease

  • PKD and PD – a Metaanalysis

    Among 9 studies totaling 7,197 patients—of whom 882 had polycystic kidney disease—survival was better among the PKD patients. There were no differences in peritonitis or technique survival between those who did and did not have PKD, though those with PKD did have a higher risk of hernias.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2018-06-12)

    Tags: PKD, PD, Metaanalysis, Polycystic Kidney Disease